Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gaming for your health

A while back, I bought My Weight Loss Coach for my DS.
I didn't use it much, because the pedometer is quite large and clunky.
The rest of it was pretty cute, it's sort of a food and fitness tracker that gives you "challenges" and ideas to help you live a healthier lifestyle.
My only complaint is that I can only seem to have a "balanced day" (where your food intake balances with the amount of activity you do throughout the day) when I eat unhealthy foods. If I stick to the healthy things, the game counts them as zero "energy" (1 "energy" = approximately 50 calories) and I need to reach about 40-50 "energy" depending on what I do that day.
For example, today I had a horrible food day - hot dogs, pizza, pop an nachos! (I don't splurge like that often), but because I did about 90 mins of walking and 30 mins of yoga, the game told me I could lose 1lb in about 3 days if I kept it up!
I would not want to keep that diet up at all!

On to the yoga ... I also picked up Let's Yoga, which I talked about in an earlier post. I got busy and stopped doing it, but for the last week, I've been doing about 30 mins per day.
I really enjoy the 5 min focused routines. They are all focused on improving different areas of the body, your mood, etc. I can pick 3 or 4 of those and then do one of the "master classes"
Once I've cycled through "master classes" I plan on trying out the "random yoga" section where you can ask it to generate a 10 to 60 minute set of poses.
I'm really enjoying the yoga, now that I'm doing it more regularly.

I recently picked up Personal Trainer: Walking which comes with two "activity meters" which are fancy pedometers that use motion sensing chips instead of the rocker type motion sensor, so it's silent. It's also a lot smaller than the one from the Weight Loss Coach game. It doesn't show your step count on the device, but it only takes a few seconds to upload the data to the game card.

I've been using the three games together for the last week - the Walking and the Yoga games for activity and the Coach game for the challenges and tracking.

I'm at 207 lbs right now - the highest I've ever been (thanks to the steroids I'm on for my autoimmune disorder, which I now get to start tapering - yay!), so let's see how this all goes.
After today's feast of bad foods, I'm looking forward to a slightly healthier day tomorrow. I feel a bit greasy right now.

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