Monday, August 22, 2011

Bento #53

Bento #53

More homemade mac & cheese - I had some leftover swiss and mozza that was given to me after a party, so I threw that in with a handful of cheddar.
Chicken nuggets
Deviled Egg (used Cesar dressing this time)
Assorted fruit, including pluot (red), green plum, orange, kiwi and grapes


Found a disposable container (from said party - they sent home the leftovers in it). It has been washed and is ready to be turned into a travel bento for two.
I decided to stick with finger foods, because The Mister will be driving, and I want him to be able to grab and munch even if he doesn't want to stop.

So, Onigiri, Chicken Karaage, Deviled Egg, Tamago Nigiri, Veggies, Fruit, Teriyaki Meatballs on picks, Gyoza ... not sure what else!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bento #52

Bento #52

Quick stovetop mac & cheese (recipe here)
Chicken nuggets
Jalapeno jelly
Grape tomatoes

I wanted something a little different today, and I didn't have much time to prep.


I've started doing more planning for the picnic bento

So far, I'm going to do onigiri (plain to offset everything else, and maybe furikake mixed?), chicken karaage, baby bok choy with oyster sauce, deviled eggs, apple bunnies, carrots and snow peas
I'm going to use the bento box above and the larger blue version to pack it in, unless I can find a disposable container before then.

I'm debating whether or not to do a breakfast one too, because we'll be leaving super early - maybe cheese tamagoyaki, mini pancakes and turkey bacon and orange slices.

hmmmmmmmm ...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bento Planning

The Mister and I are taking an 8-10 hour drive to go to a wedding later this month. I was thinking of packing a picnic bento for along the way

I'm thinking salmon onigiri, furikake onigiri, fun shaped hot dogs, meatballs on picks and lots of veggies.

I have to find an appropriate container - I've got a long tupperware one that might work.

any ideas?
what would you put into a picnic bento?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bento Haul!

So, my co-worker gave me a budget of $40-$45 to buy her and her children some bento supplies for back to school.

Here is what I picked up:


3 3-tier bento boxes
3 2-tier bento boxes
2 sets of utensils (fork, spoon and chopsticks)
pack of 3 silicone bento belts
2 packs of food cutters (garden and animals)
long picks (Chinese zodiac)
short picks (random animals)
4 large silicone cups
6 small silicone cups
silicone baran dividers
mini forks and spoons
sandwich cutters (cats, bear and heart)
hard boiled egg molds (star and heart)

When I showed up with the bag, she was just coming down the hall back to her desk, and got super excited. Apparently she was having a very bad day (she only had an hour left to go), and had a lot of unpleasant customers, so this was a welcome treat :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bento #50 & 51

Another double post!
I actually did both of these for today - lunch and dinner, because I was working 12-8 (yuck!)

Anyways, 3-tier green guy was for lunch:

Bento #50

Bottom Tier:
Rice with furikake

Middle Tier:
Deviled egg with olives (I didn't mean for it to look like eyeballs!)
Grape Tomatoes
Snow Peas (under the eggs)

Top Tier:
Sauteed bok choy
Chicken meatballs

Single-Tier pink one is for dinner.

Bento #51

2 onigiri with tuna
1-egg tamagoyaki
Snow Peas
Grape Tomatoes
Chicken Karaage (quick recipe from Kawaii Bento Box Cookbook)

oh, and graham goldfish and chocolate goldfish for a snack ;)


On another note, my Bento #32 inspired a co-worker and she wants to make bento lunches for her kids (and herself) when the school year starts.
She hasn't been able to find any reasonably priced bento supplies in her area, so I'm going on a bento shopping trip for her tomorrow.
She's given me a budget and some favourite colours and styles (she likes my 3-tier bento), and she wants things that will help her keep it simple but cute.
I'm excited, and I hope she likes what I pick out for her.
I'll take a picture of the haul before I hand it in ;)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bento #48 and #49

I'm so behind!

Bento #048

Mini pita sandwiches - 2 mini pitas cut in half, filled with red leaf lettuce, turkey, mozzarella, Caesar dressing (low calorie) and pepperoncini.
Pepper Kinpira

Bento #049

this one was a mish-mash

noodles with sesame oil and soy sauce
deviled egg
meatballs (on a pick!)
chicken nuggets
potato smiles
frozen corn
and a container of teriyaki sauce for the meatballs.



Next one is Bento #50 ... I'd like to say that I'll do something special, but I probably won't.