Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bento #52

Bento #52

Quick stovetop mac & cheese (recipe here)
Chicken nuggets
Jalapeno jelly
Grape tomatoes

I wanted something a little different today, and I didn't have much time to prep.


I've started doing more planning for the picnic bento

So far, I'm going to do onigiri (plain to offset everything else, and maybe furikake mixed?), chicken karaage, baby bok choy with oyster sauce, deviled eggs, apple bunnies, carrots and snow peas
I'm going to use the bento box above and the larger blue version to pack it in, unless I can find a disposable container before then.

I'm debating whether or not to do a breakfast one too, because we'll be leaving super early - maybe cheese tamagoyaki, mini pancakes and turkey bacon and orange slices.

hmmmmmmmm ...

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