Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bento #68

I woke up and wanted to cook something, because I've been eating frozen dinners at work for a while. I've just been so tired, and I hate it.

My mom gave me a bag of chicken strips - she had found a whole bunch of frozen breaded chicken on sale, so she stocked up.
I decided to make easy chicken tonkatsu with them. Since I've never made tonkatsu before, I had no sauce in the house. I used this recipe minus the allspice, because I don't have any of that either.

I made a bento for my cousin as well - he got hired at the same office as me a few weeks ago, and we're working the same shift tonight.

Bento #068

We each get:
Chicken tonkatsu (2 chicken strips with sauce)
Deviled egg
Carrot sticks

I had some leftover rice, and I made 2 more chicken stirips than what I needed, so I threw a bit of food together for my husband to eat later. Instead of just plain rice though, I gave him bonito flavoured onigiri. I had already decided to make a deviled egg for him, because he loves them.

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