Friday, January 9, 2015

Fresh Start

Holy cow, I've been gone a while.

I've been super lazy for my work lunches for aaaaaaaaaaaages, and I want to try and be healthy, and look forward to my lunches again.
For the last several months, I've been throwing assorted veggies into a zip lock bag, a hand full of crackers in another, an apple sliced up with a container of peanut butter, a fruit cup or some pudding, and anything else random that I feel like.

Well, hopefully no more ...

Since it's been so long, I'm sure nobody will notice, but the blog has a new name, and a new theme.

On to the Food!

I work early, so I have to bring breakfast with me too. In the small container we have some greek yogurt with a touch of honey, and some vanilla almond granola mixed in (it was packed separately in a tiny zip lock bag, but I mixed it in before the photo)

Lunch is a leftover chili-cheese sausage from dinner, potato-cucumber salad, grape tomatoes, snow peas and a deviled egg. Also, a can of flavoured sparkling water (I find it helps me not drink pop - I get the fizz without all the sugar or chemicals)

Simple and tasty!

Oh! Also new is the box - it is a 550ml glass container with a 4-way locking lid. Haven't tested it's water-tightness yet, but it has a rubber seal. The yogurt container is a round plastic 100ml version. I got them both at a dollar store. Big container was $2, little container came in a 3-pack for $1.25.

Now I have to go make tomorrow's lunch!

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